100% MLU
On January 3, 2002, work began at OGMA.SA (Portuguese Aerospace Company) on DOCA 3 for what would become Portugal's first F-16 MLU aircraft, with serial number 83-1076, later designated with the national tail number 15133.
Approximately eleven years later, on December 20, 2013, the last F-16 MLU of the 40 planned under the Peace Atlantis I and Peace Atlantis II programs was delivered. Aircraft 15136 completed the transformation, marking 100% of the Portuguese fleet converted to the MLU version.
The successful completion of this project within the timeframe was made possible by incorporating Lean techniques into the aircraft transformation processes, as well as the dedicated involvement of a team of technicians and engineers from the Portuguese Air Force who exclusively focused on this task.
Initially, the modified aircraft conducted their operational acceptance flights painted in yellow primer only, earning them the nickname "canaries" at Air Base 5. In a subsequent phase, the existing capabilities and knowledge within the Portuguese Air Force and OGMA were reactivated to convert F-16 MLU aircraft for the Romanian Air Force as part of the program to transfer 12 Portuguese F-16s to Romania.